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Photography Instagram Accounts

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Do you enjoy spending time on Instagram? If you do, you’ve probably found some accounts you enjoy following, whether they be your friends or other influencers. Instagram is a visual medium, so the photos featured on accounts are an important part of portraying an aesthetically pleasing feed. In this week’s Wildwood Towers Apartments Blog we’ve decided to share with you some Instagram accounts that feature beautiful photography. We hope you enjoy them and give them a follow!

Alen Palander (@alenpalander)

If crisp photos are what you enjoy in an Instagram account, Alen’s account is one you should follow. From urban photography to self-portraits, his account is full of beautifully edited and composed photos. Utilizing the many different angles and editing techniques, Alen’s photo feed is a pristine example of what your feed can be!

Ben Prescott (@itsbigben)

Do you ever go to a picturesque spot in nature and wish you could capture the essence of what you’re witnessing? If so, Ben Prescott’s Instagram feed is sure to make you jealous! His account is full of beautiful photos of nature in all its splendor. Based in Vancouver, BC, Ben ventures into the wilderness to capture photos that are sure to give you wanderlust!

Peter McKinnon (@petermckinnon)

If you’re a beginner photographer and are looking for some inspiration, look no further than Peter McKinnon’s Instagram account. His aesthetically pleasing feed is a perfect example of how you craft a feed. He displays various styles of editing and composition that you can attempt to mimic in order to make your feed a little more aesthetically cohesive. If you want some extra photography or videography help, you can check out his YouTube Channel, too!

We hope you enjoy these accounts! If you’ve got any suggestions for Instagram accounts, share them with our Arlington, VA apartment community for all of us to enjoy.

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